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LEMBAR HAS1L PENILAJAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER REVIEW KARVA ILMIAH : JURNAL ILMIAH Judul Jurnal Ilmiah (Artikel) : Begin Match to source 3 in source list: the Link Between Supply Chain Agility, Supply Chain Cost,End Match Suply Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match Jumlah Penulis Begin Match to source 3 in source list:, Global Supply Chain Risk Management, and Contribution in Global Manufacturing: An IndonesianEnd Match Perpective 3 Orang Penulis Status Pengusul : Penulis pertama/ke 2./penulis korespondensi ** ldentitas Jurnal Ilmiah : a. Nama Jurnal : International Journal of Supply Cahin Management Nomor ISSN : 2050-7399) Volume, nomor, bulan, tahun : Vol 7. No.5, Oktober 2018 Penerbit : ExcelingTech Pub DOl Artikel (Jika ada Alamat web jurnal https://o 4 IJSCM terindeksi Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfdi Scimagojr/Thomson Reuter ISI Knowledge atau di ‐ Kategori Publikasi JurnalEnd Match llmiah : Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfJurnalEnd Match Ilmiah Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfInternasional/Internasional bereputasiEnd Match (ben Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdf/padaEnd Match kategori yang Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdftepat) Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional/NasionalEnd Match Terindeksi Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfdi DOAJ, CABI, COPERNICUS HasilEnd Match Penilalan Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfPeer Review:End Match Nilal Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfMaksimalEnd Match Jumal Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfIlmiah KomponenEnd Match Internasional/Internasional -- Nasional Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfYang Dinilai bereputasi**End Match Terakreditasi Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfNasionalEnd Match Kelengkapan unsur isi buku (10%) Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan_(30%) Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan metodologi (30%) Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas penerbit (30%) Total = (1) Nilal Pengusul = Nilal Akhir Yang Diperoleh 4 12 4- 12 12 40 - Komentar 1. Tentang kelengkapan dan kesesuaian: ......\'II.\X'. C'... Peer Review: 2. Tentang ruang lingkup & kedalaman pembahasan: .... çi Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data 5erta metodologi .... Kelengkapan unsipkualitas pnerbt: .. MutO ,ndikasiplagiasi: ... LC.C\c..,QX1 Kesesuaian bidang ilmu: ...... Q'T.CJ ....... Reviewer 1 --- Prof. Dr. Carunia Mulya Firdausy, M.M., APU. NIP. 1010330125701 Unit kerja: Universitas Tarumanagara SURAT PENUGASAN Nomor : 1117-D/3497/FE-UNTAR/XII/2018 Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara dengan ini menugaskan kepada : Nama NIP/NIDN Jabatan Fungsional Dosen Status Unit Kerja : Prof. Dr.Carunia Mulya Firdausy, MA, APU : 10193040/0330126001 : Guru Besar : Dosen Tetap Universitas Tarumanagara : FE- Universitas Tarumanagara Untuk melaksanakam tugas sebagai Peer Reviewer dalam menilai Karya Ilmiah Saudara Dr. Ir. Agus Zainul Arifin, MM. Dosen Tetap Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara. Hasil penilaian harap disampaikan kepada Sub Bagian Personalia dengan melampirkan CK, SK Mendiknas tentang Pengangkatan Jabatan Fungsional Dosen terakhir dan Ijazah terakhir, untuk kelengkapan administrasi Saudara sebagai Peer Reviewer. Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya di ucapkan terimakasih. 13 Desember 2018 Dekan, Dr. Sawidji Widoatmodjo, SE., MM., MBA Tembusan : 1. Wakil Dekan 2. Kajur Akuntansi 3. Kaprodi S1 Akuntansi 4. Kabag TU 5. Kasubbag Keuangan 6. Kasubbag Personalia Catatan : 1. Untuk kenaikan JFD dari Tenaga Pengajar sampai dengan Lektor harus melampirkan CV dan SK JFD yang terakhir Peer Reviewer. 2. Sedangkan untuk kenaikan JFD dari Lektor sampai dengan Guru Besar harus melampirkan CV, JFD dan Ijazah terakhir Peer Reviewer. CARUNIA f'ULYP 1AMID FIRDALISY tajjir bi: J A K A R T A tnçd: 30 DESE113LR 1957 Or Iar 'atjana PERIKANAN paba _Iahttltafs PERI KANAN tanat 21 EIARET 1981 1tJj kartna ittt ia mmpunpai jak ban bjeWtuang pans berbubunan bengan tTar kearjanaannpa. D EKAN EKTOR NRP. Mahasiswa C13.106 No. Ijazah 103181009 4J' DR MUHA IDMANJ MSCI NIP 197926 PROF 1DR IR AIH, NASOETION NIP 130042185 KUTIPAN dan daftar surat-surat putusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta 20 JUli 1992 No. 578/Pen.Ij/92 Lamp. 1 (satu) MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Membaca d.s.b. Menimbang d.s.b. Mengingat d.s.b. MEMUTUSKAN Menetapkan Pertama : bal-iwa yang namanya tersebut dalam daftar lampiran surat keputusan ira merniliki ijazah tersebut dalam ruang IV dan V yang mengandung adanya pengetahuan pada pemiliknya yang sederajat dengan pengetahuan pemilik ijazah Perguruan Tinggi Negeri tersebut pada ruang VI daftar terlampir. Kedua Penilaian termaksud pada hal "Pertarna" teruania berlaku dalam rangka pengangkatan dan pcnyesuaian kepangkatan sebagai pegawai negeri sipil. Ketiga Keempat Kcputusan mi rnulai berlaku pada tanggal thkcluarkannya ijazah tersebut pada hal 'Pertama'. : Gelar yang dapat dibenarkan untuk digunakan ialah gelar yang diberikan oleh Lembaga yang bersangkutan. Kelima : Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25Segala sesuatu akan ditinjau kembaliEnd Match jika Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25terdapat kesalahanEnd Match dalarn Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25penetapanEnd Match mi. i..paua I LII. Sdr................ YN'......... .IRDAUSY 7çtDIK REKT PEJR,E ND1DIK TINGG 33didikan dan Kebudayaan . 'IL6RAL PENDIDIKAN TINGGI 1AI\N SARANA AKADEMIS RAMBANG SOEHENDRO '.NP:130344444 57 . SALINAN : Surat Kcputusan Menteri Republik Indonesia Pendidikan dan kcbudayaan No. 578/Pen.Ij/92 Lamp. : 1 (satu) Jakarta, 20. J •ul i 1992 MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Membaca : Hasil penelitian Panitia Tetap Penilaiaxi Ijazah Pendidikan Tinggi Luar Negeri, Depar- temen Pendidikan dan kebudayaan No. : 578/9 2 Code 372/IV_92/AUS Tanggal : 11 Jul l 1992 tentang penilaian ijazah dan Sdr. .................... ................................................ Menimbang : bahwa daiwa rangka pengangkatan sebagai pegawai negeri, perlu menetapkan periilai an ijazah tersebut di atas 'Mcngingat : a. Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasiorial Peraturan Pemerintah 2, Nomor 3 tahun 1980 tentang Pengarigkatan dalarn Pangkat Pegawai Negeri Sipil. 1. Nomor 12 tahun 1967 tentang Peraturan Gaji Pegawai Sipil 1968; 3. Nomor 30 tahun 1990 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi Surat Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Menteri Pendidikan dan kebudayaan Nomor.End Match 0222b Begin Match to source 6 in source list: tanggalEnd Match 1.1 Begin Match to source 6 in source list: 1980 Nomor.End MatchBegin Match to source 6 in source list: tanggal 11 September 1980 Nomor.End Match 009 Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Match 1981 Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Match 14 Jänuari 1981 Nomor. 21 1/U/1982 tanggal 26 Juni 1982 Nomor. 034/U/1985 tanggal 29 Juli 1985 MEMUTUSKAN Mcnctapkan Pertama : Bahwa yang namanya tersebut dalam daftar lampiran surat keputusan mi, memiliki ijazah tersebut dalam x-uang IV dan V yang mengandung adanya pengetahuan pemi- Kcdua : Penilaian termaksud pada hal 'Pertama terutama heriaku dalam rangka pengangka- uk ijazah negeri tersebut pada ruang VI daftar terlampir; tan sebagai pegawai negeri Ketiga : Keputusan irii mulai berlaku pada tanggal dikeluarkannya ijazah tesebut pada hal Pertama; Keempat : Gelar yang dapat dibenarkan untuk digunakan iaiah gelar yang diberikan oleh Lem- Kclima baga yang hersangkutan; : Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25Segala sesuatu akan ditinjau kembaliEnd Match jika Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25terdapat kesalahan dalam penetapanEnd Match mi. ct' Ménteri Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25Pendidikan dan KebudayaanEnd Match AT Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25JENDERAL PENDIDIKAN TINGGIEnd Match Salman Kepada: ' DIR fl)P, PEMBINAAN SARANA AKADEMIS Instunsi yang bersangkutan. iREKTORATJEUUEBAL Badan Administrasi Kepegawaian Negara. Z. j&PENDIDIKAN / 4, Panitia Tetap Penilaian Ijazah Pendidikan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Tinggi Luar Negri. Dep. I'. dan K. DR. IR. BAMBANG SOEHENDRO 5.Arsip. NIP: 130344444 KUTIPAN : Kepada yang bersangkutan L A M P I R A N S. T KEPUTUSAN MENTERI PENDIDIKAN r KEBUDAYAAN Tanggal : 20 Juli 1992 No. 578/Pen.Ij/92 Nil Niomor Urut Nomor No. Sandi H Nama Pernilik III Tanggal & Jenis Ijazah IV Nama dan Tempat Dinilai sama dengan Pendidikan Ijazah Negeri V VI Keterangan VII 578 578/92 372/IV-92/AUS Sdr.CARUNIA MULYA FIRDAUSY Master of Agricultural Australian National University MAGISTER(STRATA DUA) Development Economics Lahir 6Mei 1987 Australia 30 Desember 1957 di Jakarta MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN K; pEP 4 EKTORAT JENDRAL PENDIDIKAN TINGGI UR PEMBINAAN SARANA AKADEMIS PEN Atj L 'ip 320 j47oo 4 PROF. DR. IR. BAM BANG SOEHENDRO NIP: 130344444 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL U NIVERSJ'ry Carania YYlu a Ti-dausy after due examination folloiving postgraduatestudy- and research the ompletion of.a course of approved by the University has this day bee admitted to the Degee of DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS MASTE11DA- OF AGFUCULTURAL Given under the Rommon Seal of The Australian National University the 6th. dy of IYiay 1987 It Vice-Clianccl/cr Registrar No. : 107/Pen.Ij/D/93 Lamp. : I (saw) KUTIPAN dan daftar surat-surat pulusan Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Pendidikan danEnd Match Kebuclayaan Begin Match to source 6 in source list: IndonesiaEnd Match Jakarta 10 Mei Begin Match to source 6 in source list: MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIAEnd Match Membaca d.s.b. Menimbang d.s.b. Mengingat d.s.b. MEMUTUSKAN Menetapkan Pertama bahwa yang nanianya tcrscbut dalam daftar lampiran surat kcputusan ni rncniiliki ijaiah tersebut dalam ruang IV dan V yang mengandung adanya pcngctalivan pada pcmiliknya yang sederajat dengan pcngeta]-ivan pemilik ijazab Perguruan Tinggi Negeri tersehut pada ruang VI daftar terlampir, Kedua : Penilaian tcnnalcsud pada hal 'Pertama Icrutama berlaku dalam rangka pcngangkatan dan pcnycsuaian kepangkatan scbagai pegawai ncgcri sipil. Ketiga Keempat Kcputusan mi mulai berlaku pada tanggal dikcluarkannya ijazah tcrscbut pada hal "Pcrtania'. : Gelar yang dapat dibcnarkan untuk digunakan ialah gclar yang dibcrikan olch Lenibaga yang bcrsangkutan. Kelima : Scgala scsuatu akan ditinjau kcrnbali jika tcrdapat kesalahan dalam pcnclapan ini. kan dan Kcbudavaan PENDIDIKAN TINGGI SARANI\ AKADEMIS G SOEHENDRO KeF 4444 Sdr -: No. 107/Pen.Ij/D/93 Lamp. I (satu) SALINAN Surat Keputusan Mcnter Pendidikan dan kcbudayaan Republik Indonesia Jakarta, 10 Mei 1993 MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Membaca : Hasil penelitian Panitia Tetap Pcnilaian ljazah Pendidikan Tinggi Luar Negeri, Dcpurtcrncn Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 107/93 Code 54/III-9'3/D-AUS Tanggal Icntang penilaian ijazah clan #30 April 1993 Sdr. ........................................ Menhnbang : hahwa dalam rangka pengangkntan sehagai pegawai negeri, perlu mcnetapkan pcnilai an ijazah tersebut di a I as 1engingat a. Unclang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Sislern Pendidikan Nasional b. i'craturan Pernerinlah I. Nomor 12 tahun 1967 tentang Pcraturan Gaji Pegawai Negeri Sipil 1968. Nomor 3 tahun 1980 tentang Pengangkalan dalam Pangkat Pegawài Negeri Sipil. Nomor 30 tahun 1990 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi c. Sural Kepulusan Menteri Pendidika I. Nomor. 0222b/0/1980 tanggal 11 Scpernhcr 198() n dan Kebudayaan Nomor. 0222c/0/1980 tanggal 11 September 1980 Nomor. 009/U/1981 Nomor. 21 l/U/1982 Ianggal 14 Januari 1981 S. Nomor. 0341U/1985 tanggal 26 Juni 1982 tanggal 29 Juli 1985 MEMUTUSKAN Mcnetapkun ertama BipjeaámzhawihliaktenyryasaneygbaunntagdmsaeadlanemyraairatuteardnseegnbgIuVatnddpaaelnanmgVetdyaaahfnutgaarnmlpaecmnmgpiailrinkadriuljnaszugarahadtPakenerygpauurtpuueasnangnTemitanlhgmugiacnNmepigaliedkraii tersebut pada ruang VI daftar terlampir. Kedua sebagai pegawai negerl sipil. Penilalan termaksud padahal 'Pertama tertitama herlaku dalam rangka pengangkatan Ketiga Keputusan ml mulai berlaku pada tanggal dikeluarkanrlya ijazah tersebut pada hal 'Pertama'. Keempat Gelar yang dapat dibenarkan untuk digunakan ialah gelar yang dihcrikan baga yang bcrsangkutan. olch Lern- Kclirna : Segala sesuatu akan ditinjau kembali jika terdapat kesalahan dalarn penetapan mi. A.n. Mdriteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan JENDERAL PENDIDIKAN TINOC3I Salman Kepada: \ R PEMBINAAN SARANA AKADEMIS I. Instansi yang bersangkutan. Badan Administrasi Kepegawalan Negara DepartemelI Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. LL ( PanitiaTetap Penilaian Ijazab Pendidikan GI )' Tinggi Luar Negri. Dep. P. dan K. DR. IR . BAMBANG SOEHENDRO A r s ip. NIP 130344444 KUTIPAN: Kepada yang bcrsangkulan L A M P I R A N : SURAT KEPUTUSAN MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Tanggal :10 Mei 1993 No. 107/Pendj/D/93 Nomor Tanggal & Jenis Nama dan Tempat Dinilai sama denan ljazah Negeri Keterangafl VI 107 107/93 II-93JDJAUS Sdr.ARUNIA MULYA FIRDAUSY I Doctor of Phiiosopfly The University of Oueensland in Economics I 0 (STRATA TIGA) DOKTOR - Lahir 2 Februari 1993 Australia 30 Desember 1967 di Jakarta A énteri Pendidikan dan Keiudayaafl T JENDERAL PENDIDIKAN TINGG! EMBINAAN SARANA AKADEMIS PEUDIDITA \ )DR•IA. BAMBANG SOEHENDRO NIP : 130344444 Carunia Mulya Firdausy having fulfilled the conditions prescribed by the University is this day admitted to the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the field of Economics GIVEN UNDER THE COMMON SEAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND THE SECOND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1993 ~Chancellor ~5~ Vice-Chancellor ~,~ PC, ~~, Secretary and Registrar 067464/898 No. 125-93 Nomci Berdasarkan Peraturan Menten PendidikanTasjonaJ Nmor 42 Tahun 2007 sebagaimana teah diubah dengan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasiona! Nomr 17 Tahun 2008, DirektutJend6raf Pendidikan linggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional menyatakan bahwa: •3 Pio4f Dr CARUNIAMJE-YA F-IRD-AUSY - Jahir d! Jakada pada angga 30 Desember 1957 Guru Besar pada UnLversitas Tarumanegara sebagai Dosen Pofesionabjdang Imu Man'ajemen 30 Juni 2008 2JJenderaJ Pendidikan Tinggi JIFI! llIIN 11111 FiHifi Po3O24 FASLjALAL flS124234 ME1JTUSAN MENTEflJ PENDIDflBPPT - II, 6th Floor,End Match Jt. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match I-I. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: No. 8, JakartaEnd Match F t Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Ph: Tel 62-21)3102062/ (62-21'End Match 31' Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match +62721- 3101728 / 3904537.. E- mail:J !I(bnntld/dep-cln tk &o id Name CaruniaMuFIrdausD. Piace Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Date of Birth Jakarta, 30 December 1957 Official Occupation Deputy for the State Minister of Research and Technology, for Societal Dynamics Professional Research Professor in Economics Office address The State Ministry of Research and Technology,End Match 31 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Thamrin 8, BPPTEnd Match 2nO Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, 7th Floor, Jakarta 10340-INDONESIA.End Match L2 lome e-mail n. a:Qi .ctQLc1 Home fax number Horne a dd ress Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, Century I no. B 9,End Match 31. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Raya, Bekasi Selatan 17480 Phone No. (62-End Match 218225642. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Phone 0812 9435747 HigherEnd Match Echcationa1 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Narn Begin Match to source 1 in source list: - Bogor Agricultural University - Australian National UniversityEnd Match (ear._Completed Degree 1981 Sariana / Bachelor 986 Master Of Agricultural Development Economics - Queensland University, Australia 1992 Dept. of Begin Match to source 1 in source list: - Ph.D in EconomicsEnd Match 1 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Organizational experienCes; 1.End Match 1IrnesctittuotreofofSrcthieenNceasti_o1n9a9l6C-e2n0trOelojf Economic and development Studies-Indonesian 2 WANTANN001-2002 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Adviser for National Defense Council (Dewan Ketahanan NasionalEnd Match - Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Writer for the President of TheEnd Match Repubiic Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Indonesia in economicEnd Match fields1 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match F Anomwe.mber Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Indonesia and Australia Joint Selection Team, AUSAID, from 1996- till A member of National Accreditation for research Centre-Research andEnd Match Technolog L tfflriO._—_________________ Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Economic Adviser for the_End Match i'4inister Begin Match to source 1 in source list: research_and Technology, 2004-till now. Non-AcademicEnd Match experiencs: 1L CSoemotprlnebteedrH2i9g9he7r wLeiathdeRrsahnipkP3roogurtamof(l3o4cally known as SPAMEN-LAN), June; 2 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Completed Advanced Higher Leadership Program (locally known as SPATI-End Match 1..AN, er Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Leadership Development Program (LDP), CSRIO-LIPI, Australia-End Match d2i 99 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Articles Published in National and InternationalEnd Match Journalsince Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 1 Economic Development in Indonesia: Issues and Policy, Southeast Asian EconomicEnd Match -:- SmaU Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Industry in Indonesia, Asian Profile, 1993. Hong Kong. Income Inequality and Rural Poverty in Indonesia, Asian Profile, 1994, Hong Kong,End Match 1993DB,Manita-PhllUJDines. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Scale Industry in Indonesia: Issues and Trends. Asian Development Review,End Match 5 Journal of Economic Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of Rural Income and Poverty at The Village Level, in Bali. MalaysianEnd Match es o.p. Australia. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of Indonesia Economic Studies, 1992 Vol. 28 No. 2, pp 75-93, ANU-End Match Rural Poverty and Its Measurement: A Comparative Study of Villages in Bali. Indonesian Economic Development Plans, Achievements and Policies For - Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Social Studies_1989 Vol. 8 No. 2, pp 107-120.End MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Poverty and Income Inequality, 1967-1988. Asian Journal of EconomicsEnd Match 3. E-c-on-o-m-ic'-R-et-urns_-F.rpom'-,-S-e-a.w---e,.e_.d,As-ia._n Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Science, 1991, Vol. 4, pp 61-73. 9. Seaweed Farming in Indonesia Towards Foreign Investment. The AustralianEnd Match Extpreieur91. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match 2No. Begin Match to source 1 in source list:,End Match Bsbane, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Economic Returns From Different SeaweedEnd Match 10.Indonesan Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Research and Development Journal, 1991, Vol. 13 No. 1End Match Farming Operation in Nusa Penida, Bali. n2, ___________________________________________ 2 uUrban Begin Match to source 1 in source list: in Indonesia: Trend, Issues and PolicIes, Asian DevelopmentEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Economic Development in Indonesia After 1966,End Match 1n 3 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: (Ed), TheEnd Match 12.Indonesiafl Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Past, Present and - Future, UniversityEnd Match ofDurham., Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, 1994. - Intra-regional Investment and Technology Transfer: Indonesian Country Paper,End Match - :U. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Productivit'9, afliZatiOn Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Lujpur, Malaysla. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Held by CIDES (Centre for International and Development Studies),End MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Organization and Administration in Indonesia, Paper Presented atEnd Match 1a ka rta. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Experiences of Indonesia with Reference to Its Relevance andEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list:, Bangkok, 1995 The Effect of PriceEnd Match Libealization Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, Market reforms on Poverty Situation of Rural Communities and Farm Families in Indonesia, (research Publication), EconomicEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Economic Development Relevance to Indochinese Countries (researchEnd Match and Social Commission Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match the Asia-Pacific-,-E--S_A_-P-.-;B-akok 1996. - Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, United Nations for Social and Economic Commission for the Asia PacificEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Issues of International Migration, Toyota Foundation (researchEnd Match -- L__ T_o__L-- .--- Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and Social Commission for the Asia Pacific (UN-ESCAP), Bangkok,End MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: of Informal Sector in Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia, United Nations forEnd Match -- Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Liberalization and its Impact on Agricultural Sector, United Nations for - Economic and Social Commission for the Asia Pacific (UN-ESCAP), Bangkok, Perdagangan Bebas dan Pengaruhnya Pada Industri Kecil (Free Trade and itsEnd Match CdP mpact Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Small Scale Enterprises in Indonesia) Kelola, Jurnal EkonomiEnd Match Uhiversitas anan Ma. - Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Kecil dan Pengaruh Putaran Uruguay terhadap Industri Kecil (Small ScaleEnd Match Indonesian Instftute of Sde Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and the impacts of Uruguay Round), National Research Board-End Match om etitive researchart1 J6k997_ Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of Macroeconomic Adjustment on Small-Scale Industries, International Journal of Social and Economics, 1997.New York, USA. 24 The Economic Impact of the Crisis on Employment in Indonesia, Working EconomicEnd Match Ppershjnstitute Begin Match to source 1 in source list: SoutheastEnd Match AsianStudSEAS ifl9aPore. 25 EIhceonEocmonicomPaicpCerrsis,iIsnisntitInudteonoefSsioau:tChaenasWtAesdiaonSSotmudeitehsinQgSaEbou1t1It9?9W9,oSrkiinnagpore. - ' - - 'Indonesi) Journal of AFKAR CIDES 1998 Jakarta. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Ekonomi dalamEnd Match Men,gatasi Begin Match to source 1 in source list: (Economic Policies towards Crisis inEnd Match 27jndonesia), Arialisis CSIS Begin Match to source 1 in source list:,End MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Match voLl Begin Match to source 1 in source list: I, no. 1, Centre for StrategicEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Ekonomi Kerakyatan Small-Medium Enterprises Development inEnd Match nd International 28. Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, 1999. Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASREC),End MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: on Development and Sustainability In Indonesia Past, Present andEnd Match -. - : South Korea. Toyota Foundation and Center for EconomicS, Jakarta. ° DRaomupnadkoPnertsheteuSjuManEUjAruIgJuUay terhadap Industri Kecilpu(tbhleisIhmerp,act of Uru2g0uay Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Jawa Timur (sources of Growth in eastEnd Match 31Java), Begin Match to source 1 in source list: for Economics and Development Studies-Indonesian Institute of sciences Jakarta. The Social Impact of Economic Crisis on Employment and Evaluation of Public WorkEnd Match 32. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: in Indonesia, WorkingEnd Match Papers1 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of Southeast Asian StudiesEnd Match no - Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industry In Indonesia, WorkingEnd Match - Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Sources of growth 1950-2000, East Asian Development Work paper,End Match --'sBrankW,na-s.h,iton Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 2002. Analisis SWOT dan Strategi pembinaan dan pengembangan Usaha Kecil (SWOT andEnd Match -MEcaonnaogmems-eLnJtnSivtreartSegitiyc ofofrTSaMruEmsainnaIgnadraonJeaskiaar)t,aJ,u_r2n0a0l0E.konomi, FaculbI of Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Ekonomi dan Dampaknya terhadapEnd Match Perekonomlan Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, (EconomicEnd Match 36 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and Its Impacts on IndonesianEnd Match Econorny),Jurnat Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, Faculty ofEnd Match . • EMMcuoalnntoianmnaeitcinos.-nPLaFoJlns6tivufDeslriosnricettyrso.s9rn-fFa,ilTrnPfaa—rrntoucrmeaima-nnsraI-nQrUdmaonrniaveesJiraaski,atyr1ta9o9f29-T0.ea0.Jr0uu.rmnaalntOagrgaaran,is1a9si9d9a.n Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Economic Relations Between Indonesia and Gulf CooperationEnd Match 38 çe 9Q Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and Development Strategy of Indonesian Labor Force, Paper presented at -.The Institute of EconomicsEnd Match AemiaSinicaJan, 2090 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Entrepreneurs in Small medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia, 1998.End Match 40 l<orean Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Journ&8. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Inequality and Poverty in Indonesia, 1999. Paper Presented atEnd Match 41 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and Investment Relation Between Indonesia and Australia, 1999. in HanafiEnd Match 42 Sof'an, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: NationalEnd Match LJniversyLcanberra Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match 'lantangan Begin Match to source 1 in source list: PeluangEnd Match Globalisasl Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Perekonomlan Begin Match to source 1 in source list:,(OpportunitieS andEnd Match 43. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of Globalization in Indonesia) in Indonesia Menapak Abad 21.: Kajian Ekonomi danEnd Match PoUUk Begin Match to source 1 in source list:,IPSK-LIPI, MilleniumEnd Match Pubher, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match F—F. pEKKaceemorsnnipaaopasmkaniKcDrCiasreiisrsaisEhokDnoJanaPlokaommaveriMrtttaeye9rnah9gna9hdda.aUdpankpeeimmLpiilbsoekyrimanlaiesnnatsd)i,aEBnkuPolelnenotgimnainERgkgeougnirooamnna,il(dIPamrneppaacrtastitohne 45. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Liberalization), Jurnal Ekonomi, Faculty of Economics, University ofEnd Match - 2000 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Kebijakan Penghapusan Pajak dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi BatamEnd Match 4-6.(IFmacpualctyt ooff tEhecotanxomReicmsojlvnailvoenrsB!taytaorfnTEacrounronmanicagD,eJvaekloaprtma,e1n9t)9,9Ju.rnal Ekonomi, Indonesian Trade and Investment in the Middle East, (research report published by Indonesian EmbassKuwait1998. Income distribution in Indonesia, paper presented at Asian Development Forum, 48 41InternabonalMcJratOfl Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, issues and Trends, Toyota Foundation, Tokyo Japan 50.End Match LBoacnal GovernmentiiFnineanOceOand2.Bonds Market Financing, Asian Development Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Security system in Indonesia, International Labor Organization, ILO, 2000End Match - 51 Sand Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 52.End Match Indonesia., International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 24 No. 1/2/3. MCB Effects of the. subsidy removal of fertilizer on rural poverty In North Sulawesi, Uni Sources of Indonesian Economic Growth, East Asian development Network 50 Nor002. 54 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Economic Community, paper presented at ASEAN Economic CommunityEnd Match - Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Mobility within ASEAN Countries Issues and Policy Implications towardsEnd Match : 55. PGeromwetrhinAtarheaN),oJ.u3r9natalhEuknon1o9m98i,, F(EaccounltoymoficEDcoenveolmopicms,eUntniinveBrsaittaymofETaasrtuAmSaEnAaNgara, Perkernbancjn Pereonomian Batam dan Implikasi pemberlakukan Peraturan Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Exploring Indonesian Local State-Elite' Orientation towards Local Autonomy inEnd Match -. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of Globalization and Decentralization on the Small-medium Enterprises -. United for DevelopmentEnd Match Pg .ms-UNçID, 2001 58 ISnoteUrntahtiEonaasltCAosmiapnetSitivtuedniesssISofEmAaSn)uSfainctQur2inOg0S0e3c.tor, Working Paper, Institute of 59. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and Policies towards SMEs Development in Indonesia), Jurnal Ekonomi,End Match Strategi dan l(ebijakan Pengembangan usaha Kecil dan menengah di Indonesia Facuftf Economics niVJy of Tarurnangara, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 2003. 60 The incidence of Poverty in Indonesia, in Social Security and Coverage for all, ILO,End Match c1TAhsieanImDpelevemloepnmtaetinotnBoaf National Soc ial Security System for the Informal Sector, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: - Conflict and peace Development Analysis in Maluku, North Maluku, and CentralEnd Match 6-3- IndonesiaL Dertment of Industty and Trade,004 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Economic Zone (SEZ) in SouthEnd Match Kailmantan Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Gorontalo provinces,End MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list:'sEnd Match SME5 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: in Globalization Era, in C. Tisdell (forthcoming). - 65.Productivity Performance in Indonesia 1950-End Match 20004 Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, 2005 Books published:End Match 2 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Migration inEnd Match Southeast Begin Match to source 1 in source list: countriesEnd Match and the Middle East, Toyota Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Abad 21 :Kajian Ekonomi dan Politik, (Towards the 21st centuryEnd Match 1P WY terhadap Lisaha Kecil dan _Menengah,_cLac. 61 Uruguay Begin Match to source 1 in source list: SMEs In Indonesia), Pusat Studi Antar UniversitaS, University ofEnd Match Indone-.s--i-a---publisher Jakarta 1999. 5. Indonesia, Pustaka Quantum, Jakarta, 2003. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Indonesian Local State-Elite' Orientation towards Local Autonomy inEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Experiences as Speaker In InternationalEnd Match Se minar Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Conferences: 1 InternationalEnd Match Centerfor Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match GrowtCE, Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, 6-End Match 9A1 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 2 Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Intra Regional Investment and TechnologyEnd Match ... Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Development Bank. Critical Issues and Policy Measures to Address UrbanEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: on Agriculture and the Role of the State Trading Enterprise in the PostEnd Match 5• Countries, Laos, 1995. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: relevance of Indonesian Economic Development on IndochineseEnd Match 6—. Macroeconomic Issues facing Asian countries Malaivsla, 1995. L &-.- Small and Medium Enterprises towards Globalization Bakok 1996. Agricultural Price Liberalization in ESCAP member Countries, 1997. Bangkok, Thailand. Indonesia -Australian Bilateral Economic Impact of globalization in Asian countries, Beijing, China, 13-17 October 1997. — Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Development in Indonesia in the crisis period, Department of Economics,End Match Economic Cooperation in APEC Member Countries, OO, Jan, 1998 Asian Development Fojy, 4,2000. Singapore. APEC-Human Resources Development, Economic ConferenceIWaflp0. Intemaon&I am ankin 2000._Kuwa - Strengthenin9 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Relations Between Indonesia and the Middle East Countries with Particular References to the Gulf Countries, LIPI and Indonesian EmbassyEnd Match l<uwaj<uwaitL Begin Match to source 1 in source list: -. 18 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Sources of Growth in Indonesia,End MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Trade and Investment_in the Gulf CountriesEnd Match Bahrain1q99. Th act of Globalization ontJdonesian economy, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Fiscal Decentralization and Macroeconomic management in Indonesia, KualaEnd Match Lurnpur, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 22 Local Government Finance and Bond Market Financing, ADB,Manila, Philippines 2002.End Match ?• 24.LaborMobilltyin ASEANcountries,ISEASSingapore, 2002. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Mobility in ASEAN Countries: Issues andEnd Match Polic/ Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, Singapore, 2003. Fiscal decentralization and the role of Small medium enterpriSes, 2004, UNDP, KualaEnd Match Lumur, MalaXsia. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Mobility and Its relationship with Economic Integration in East Asia, ThailandEnd Match develooment Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Institute(TDRI),End Match Banclkok, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 2004 Teaching and ResearchEnd Match ConsiltancY Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Graduate Lecturer in Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, 2001 till now, 2. Undergraduate and PostEnd Match raduate Begin Match to source 1 in source list: in Faculty of Economics, UniversityEnd Match o iarumafla9ara Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match 19,97 Begin Match to source 1 in source list: UN-End Match ESC'AP Begin Match to source 1 in source list: - bangkok, National Economist research consultant, 1995End Match • Consultant. ___________ Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Development Bank (ADB), 1997,2002 and 2004, National EconomistEnd Match Researcl Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Organation, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and 2003. National EconomistEnd Match researd Begin Match to source 1 in source list: United Nation for Development Program, 2002-2004. National Economist research Consultant on various researchEnd Match proiects. .. • Security-S-'stem for the Informal sector in Indonesia. \sian Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Bank, 2004. National Expert on the study of NationalEnd Match Sodal Begin Match to source 1 in source list: United nation for DevelopmentEnd Match programfl-., Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Peace and ConflictEnd Match Developmen Begin Match to source 1 in source list: 2005. National Economist research Consultant for the project of ProductivityEnd Match 1.. r!:{Lm.ancein Indonesia Jak . Other Activities: . . iournaPEP-LTPI k ,rta. Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Member of Journal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan (Economic and DevelopmentEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: Board of Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta.End Match \dvisory Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of Warta Perhubungan (Journal of Transport and Communication), Jakarta. Editorial Board of Jurnal EKONOMI TARUMANEGARA, University ofEnd Match Tarumaneara, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Editorial Board Jurnal OrganisasiEnd Match dali Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, Magister Manajemen, UniversitasEnd Match 2CC'.4 ''n . iya Erousy, Ph.D Begin Match to source 2 in source list: preview) Simulasi Efek Tembakan Pada Manusia.pdfLEMBAR HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER REVIEW KARYA ILMIAH : JURNAL ILMIAH Judul Jurnal Ilmiah (Artikel)End Match : Begin Match to source 3 in source list: the Link Between Supply Chain Agility, Supply Chain Cost,End Match Suply Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Responsiveness, Global Supply Chain Risk Management, and Contribution in Global Manufacturing ; An IndonesianEnd Match Perpective Jumlah Penulis : 3 Orang Penulis Status Pengusul : &ilTertamaIke2./penuhs korespondensi ** Identitas Jurnal Ilmiah : a. Nama Jurnal : International Journal of Supply Cahin Management Nomor ISSN 2050-73 99) Volume, nomor, bulan. tahun : Vol 7. No.5, Oktober 2018 Penerbit ExcelingTech Pub DOT Artikel (Jika ada) Alamat web jurnal https:i/ojs.excel uk/index. php/IJSCM terindeksi di ScimagojriThomson Reuter ISI Knowledge atau di Kategori Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah (ben /pada kategori yang tepat) fl Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional/Internasional bereputasi Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional Terakreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional/Nasional Terindeksi di DOAJ, CABI, COPERNICUS Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Penilaian Peer Review Komponen Yang Dinilai Internasional/End Match Internasional bereputasi** Begin Match to source 8 in source list: MaksimalEnd Match Jurnalllmiah Begin Match to source 8 in source list: TerakreditasiEnd Match Nasioiial Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Match Akliir Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Diperoleh Kelengkapan unsur isi bukuEnd Match 4 (10%) Begin Match to source 8 in source list: lingkup danEnd Match 12 Begin Match to source 8 in source list: pembahasan (30%) Kecukupan danEnd Match 12 Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Match datalinformasi 1 Begin Match to source 8 in source list: metodologi (30%) Kelengkapan unsur danEnd Match 12 Begin Match to source 8 in source list: penerbit (30%)End Match - 7 I,] Begin Match to source 8 in source list: =_(100%)End Match Nilai Pen gusul = Kornentar Peer Review: 1. Tentang kelengkapan dan kesesualan: ...1. ... 2. Tentang ruang lingkup & kedalaman pembahasan: •/2 3. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data serta n)ftpdologi: 4. Kelengkapan unsur ku s penerbit: .......~.4F. .................................. Reeef2 Proulus Suiyanto, M.Ak, NI09262008011008 Unit kerja: lAIN Raden Intan lampung SURAT PENUGASAN Nomor : 1116-D/3496/FE-UNTAR/XII/2018 Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara dengan ini menugaskan kepada : Nama NIK/NIDN Jabatan Fungsional Dosen Status Unit Kerja : Prof. Dr. Tulus Suryanto, M.Ak : 19700926.200801.1.008 : Guru Besar (1050) : Dosen Tetap IAIN : - Untuk melaksanakam tugas sebagai Peer Reviewer dalam menilai Karya Ilmiah Saudara Dr. Ir. Agus Zainul Arifin, MM. Dosen Tetap Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara. Hasil penilaian harap disampaikan kepada Sub Bagian Personalia dengan melampirkan CK, SK Mendiknas tentang Pengangkatan Jabatan Fungsional Dosen terakhir dan Ijazah terakhir, untuk kelengkapan administrasi Saudara sebagai Peer Reviewer. Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya di ucapkan terimakasih. 13 Desember 2018 Dekan, Dr. Sawidji Widoatmodjo, SE., MM., MBA Tembusan : 1. Wakil Dekan 2. Kajur Akuntansi 3. Kaprodi S1 Akuntansi 4. Kabag TU 5. Kasubbag Keuangan 6. Kasubbag Personalia Catatan : 1. Untuk kenaikan JFD dari Tenaga Pengajar sampai dengan Lektor harus melampirkan CV dan SK JFD yang terakhir Peer Reviewer. 2. Sedangkan untuk kenaikan JFD dari Lektor sampai dengan Guru Besar harus melampirkan CV, JFD dan Ijazah terakhir Peer Reviewer. Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya on 2019-08-03Prof. Dr. Tulus Suryanto, CA,CMA,End Match CERA. Lecturer Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya on 2019-08-03Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan LampungEnd Match NiP: 19700926200801108 Background Study Doctoral From Universitas Padjajaran 9 Perum Bukit Bilabong Biok G-2 No 09, Bandar +62 813 2124 6272 tulusradenintan.acid, tulus 57191504347 (Sopus h-index 7), http:!/orcid.orq/0000-0003-4659-6228 (h-index 9) 232388 , (sinta score 13,93), http://sinta2.ristekdikti.goid/authors/detail?id=232388&viewover view Academic Positions 2016— Present > Professor of Accounting at the Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia. Reviwer Nasional Liptapdimas, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Kementerian Agama 2017 - Present > Dewan Komite Penilai Proposal Penelitian dan Komite Penilai Keluaran Penelitian, > Pusat Penelitian dan Kebijakan Begin Match to source 6 in source list: dan KebudayaanEnd Match (Puslitjakdikbut), Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Penelitian dan PengembanganEnd Match Kementerian Begin Match to source 6 in source list: dan Kebudayaan.End Match International Positions 2018— Present 2016— Present Visiting Research Fellow at University Utara Malaysia (UUM) Research Institute for Indonesia, Thaliland adn Singapore (UUM-ITS) Chief Editor in Internasional Business and Accounting Research Journal Editor & Rewiuwer in Eurepean Resarch Studies Journal ( Index Scopus Q2), Perius University Grece Chief Editor in Ikonomika Journal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Raden Intan Lampung > Director Asia Pasific in lnternasional Journal Of Economic and Persfectif (Index Scopus Q4) Rewiuwer in Journal of Social Science Education (index Scopus Q3) > International Editor Boards in Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accountingand Management, Universitas Pasundan Bandung. > Editor Board An-Nisbah Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah lAIN Tulung Agung (Index DOAJ, Moraref etc) > Advisory Editorial Board in Esensi jurnal Bisnis dan Menejemen , Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (Acreditation DIKTI) Reviuwer in Binus Business reviuw ( International Journal, DOAJ Index etc) > Reviuwer Journal of Accounting and Business Education, Universitas Negeri Malang (Accreditation DIKTI) > ReviuwerAkademika Jurnal lAIN Metro (Accreditation DIKTI) Reviuwer Iternational Journal Ihya Ulum Al-Din , UIN Wall Songo. (Accreditation DIKTI) Conference Committee 2019 (for coming) > Cherman on International Conference on Science and Tehnelogy in Adminitration and Management Information 2018 2018 2018 (ICSTIAMI), Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Menejemen Indonesia Jakarta, July 17-18, 2019 (For Coming) > Scientifict committee Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25International Conference on FinanceEnd Match Economics Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25And Business, UniversitasEnd Match Malikussateh Lhokseumawe, Aceh, 12-13 November 2018 > Scientifict Committee International conference on Advance & Science Inovation (ICASI), Forum Kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi, Medam April 23-24, 2018. > Chereman In International Conferenceon on Aplied Business and Economics, Universitas Borobudur Jakarta, 23-24 Febuary 2018 2017 Scientifict Committee 1St International Conference onEconomics Business & Social Sciences, Lebanese International University, Bairut-Campus, December 21-22, 2017 2017 Scientifict Committee on 2nd International Research Conference on Economics Business and Social Science (2nd IRC 2017), Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makasar November 25-26, 2017 Publications Journal Publications 2018 The Moderating Impact of Audit Quality in the relationship between corporate Governance on audit budgeting of Indonesian firms, Vol 8. Issue 2, Jun 2018, The Corporate Decision in Indonesia: A Result of Corporate Governance Requirements, Earning Management and Audit Reports. Contemporary Studies In Economic And Financial Analysis Volume 99: Governance And Regulations' Contemporary Issue. (Scopus Index) 2017 2016 Begin Match to source 9 in source list:'s performance and its determinants - Evidence from middle east, Indian sub-continent and African banks. Polish Journal of Management Studies.End Match (Scopus Index) > Corporate governance and audit quality: A comparison of ASEAN countries. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. (Scopus Index) Income differences, trade and Institutions: empirical evidence form low and middle-income countries. Business and Economic Horizons, Vol 12, Issue 2 Tahun 2018. (Scopus Index) >Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya on 2019-08-03Tax Revenue and Disparity: How to Improvement Income Inequality in Islamic Perspective. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management StudiesEnd Match Vol 5, Issue 2, 2018 Begin Match to source 9 in source list: ethics and consequences in whistle-blowing among professional accountants: An empirical analysis. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences.End Match 2017. (Scopus Index) > IFRS, professional auditor skepticism, conflict agency to prevention of fraud and investor confidence level. International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2017. (Scopus Index) >Begin Match to source 7 in source list: of Going Concern Opinion for Financial Reports of Business Firms and Capital Markets with Auditor Reputation as a Moderation Variable: AnEnd Match xperimental Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Match Eropean Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Studies Journal,End Match Volume XX, Issue (2) 2017. (Scopus Index) Does Financial Performance of Islamic Banking is better? Panel Data Estimation. Eropean Research Studies Journal, Volume XX, Issue (2) 2017. (Scopus Index) Dividend Policy, Information Technology, Accounting Reporting to Investor Reaction and Fraud Prevention. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, (ISSN:1307- 1637), Volume 10, Issue 1, Maret 2016. (Scopus Index) Audit Delay and Its Implication for Fraudulent Financial Reporting: A Study of Companies Listed in The Indonesia Stock Exchange. Eropean Research Studies Journal Volume XIX, Isuee 1, Januari 2016. (Scopus Index) Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Shariah Financial Accounting Standards: How they Prevent Fraud in Islamic Banking.End Match Eropean Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Studies Journal,End Match Volume XIX, Issue (4) 2016. (Scopus Index) Corporate Governance Mechanism on the Practice of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) among Muslim Entrepreneurs in Textile Industry-The Case of Malaysia. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2016. (Scopus Index) Pengaruh Accounting Disclosure, Accounting Harmonization dan Komite Audit Terhadap Kualitas Laba (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI). Jurnal Akuntansi, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Tahun 2016. An Investigation of Factors Influencing Audit Quality According to Islamic Audit: A Study for the Jakarta Islamic Index. International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA), Volume IV Issue 1(2016). Islamic Work Ethics and Audit Opinions: Audit Professionalism and Dysfunctional Behavior as Intervening Variables. AL—IQTISHAD, ISSN : 2087-135X-Vol VIII(1), Januari 2016, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. 2015 Implementation of fair Value Accounting on Agency Problem Contract Mudharaba in Islamic Finance. Internation Journal of Economic Perspectives ISSN: 1307-1637- vol 9 Issue 4 Desember 2015. (Scopus Index) ' Capital Market Integration : Palestine and Israeli Experience. AL—IQTISHAD, ISSN : 2087-135X-V0I VII(2), JULI 2015, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Proceeding Publication 2018 2017 Employee Recruitment Fraud Prevention with the Implementation of Decision Support System. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (Scopus Index) > The Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model to Analyze Soybean Prices in Indonesia. MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018. (Scopus Index) > Environmental Balance Management in Nonformal Education Learning. MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018. (Scopus Index) > Profitability Ratio to Distinguish between Islamic and Conventional Banks in Indonesia. The 1st Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25International Conference On Islamic Economics, Business And Philanthropy (ICIEBP)End Match 2017, "Transforming Islamic Economy And Societies" (Scopus Index) 2014 Internal control, discipline of its impact on employee performance:case study on Islam Institute State Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. Jurnal Proceding Sembistek Portal IBI Darmajaya. 2013 Analisis Pengaruh Corporate Governance Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Pengungkapan Corporatre Social Responsibility (CSR) Pada Perusahaan Terkonsentrasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Seminar Nasional Akuntansi dan Bisnis (SNAB), Universitas Widyatama Bandung. Book Chapter 2018 Manajemen Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah. Penerbit: Ideas Publishing. ISBN: 978-602-5878-50-3. Tahun 2018 > Menata Sumber Daya Menuju Good Governance Desa. Penerbit: Zahir Publishing, ISBN: 978-602-5541-13-1, Tahun: 2018. 2017 Konsep Pencegahan Kecurangan (fraud) Akuntansi dalam Prespektif Islam. Penerbit: Arti Bumi Intaran, ISBN: 978-602- 7731-53-0. Tahun: 2017 Academic Speakers Keynote Speakers 2018 > Internasional Ceminar and ASEAN Forum on Economic and Business, Universiti Utara Malaysi, UUM ( 5 July 2018) Kampus UUM Keddah Malaysia. International Conference on Business and Finance Issues in Asean Countries, Universiti Tehnelogi Mara U1TM ( 2 July 2018), Pulau Pinang Malaysia 2017 2016 2015 Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25International Conference on ManagementEnd Match Economics Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25and BusinessEnd Match of Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Airlangga on 2019-03-25UniversitasEnd Match Mercu Buana, Yogyakarta (20-22 Februari 2018) Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya on 2019-08-03International Conference on Applied Business and Economics.End Match University of National and World Economy Sofia, Bulgaria. Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya on 2019-08-03International Conference on Economic, Business and Accounting.End Match Kampus STIE Pelita Bangsa Cikarang, Indonesia. Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies. Kampus lAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Indonesia. ASEAN International Business Conference. Hon Cing Mm Vietnam. 2014 International Conference on IT and Business. Hotel Novotel Lampung,IBI Darmajaya. Speaker on Training and Workshop 2018 > Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel ilmiah untuk Publikasi Jurnal Internasional, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (FEB). Serang. (19 November 2018) Peningkatan Kualitas Manuskrip Melalui Penguatan Referensi Jurnal International, Universitas Diponogoro, Semarang. (15 Okteber 2018) > Workshop Penulisan Artikel llmiah Internasional. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang. (9 Oktober 2018) Teknik Penulisan Karya llmiah Bidang Akuntansi dan Publikasi. Universitas Khairun, Ternate. (28 September 2018) > Workshop peningkatan kualitas output 2018: Penulisan Artikel lImiah, lAIN Palu Sulawesi Tengah, (12 Agustus 2018) > Academic Writing untuk Publikasi Pada Media Bereputasi. Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta. (10 Agustus 2018) > International Conference on Life, Innovation, Change, and Knowledge, (ICLICK 2018). Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung. (18- 19Juli 2018) 2017 2016 2015 Workshop Publikasi Internasional Bereputasi. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. (16 Juli 2018) Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Jurnal international Conference-IC ST/AM!. STIAMI, Jakarta. (06 Juli 2018) Teknik Penulisan Artikel Ke Jurnal Internasional dan Publikasi Internasional Bereputasi Scopus. Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. (07 Juni 2018) Sistematika Penulisa Jurnal Penelitian Untuk Prosiding. Pelita Bangsa, Bekasi (19 Januari 2018) Choaching penulisan jurnal, Pusat Penelitian dan Publikasi Institut Agama Islam (lAIN) Metro ( 20-Desember 20017). The Workshop of International Journal Writing. Universitas Borobudur Jakarta. Seminar Dosen Membangun Kultur Akademis melalui Publikasi Internasional. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UHAMKA Jakarta. Seminar Hasil Penelitian Kebijakan Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Seminar Menembus Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Lampung. Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah untuk Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Terindeks Scopus. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh > Workshop Penulisan Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi. Asosiasi Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Desember 2017. ) Panduan Penulisan Artikel llmiah Internasional Standar Scopus. Akademi Keperawatan Tanjung Karang > Peningkatan Writing Skill Dosen lAIN Metro, Pusat Penelitian dan Publikasi Institut Agama Islam (lAIN) Metro ( 9-Febuari 20017). > Seminar Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UHAMKA Membangun Kultur Akademis melalui Publikasi Internasional". Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UHAMKA. Penjaminan Mutu Penggelola Jurnal, Workshop dan Choaching KIlnik. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Tarumanegara. 2014 2013 Pelatihan Tata Kelola Badan Layanan Umum dan GCG. STAIN Metro. Seminar dan Lokakarya Tata Kelola Keuangan, Koperasi Mahasiswa Se_Sumatera. MAN I Sukarame. Workshop Peningkatan Mutu Dosen, Tema Good University Government. Fakultas Syariah, lAIN Raden Intan Lampung. 2014 2013 Pelatihan Tata Kelola Badan Layanan Umum dan GCG. STAIN Metro. Seminar dan Lokakarya Tata Kelola Keuangan, Koperasi Mahasiswa Se_Sumatera. MAN I Sukarame. Workshop Peningkatan Mutu Dosen, Tema Good University Government. Fakultas Syariah, lAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Bandar Laynpung, 18 Februari 2019 Prof. Dr./Tulus Suryanto, CA, CMA, CERA. 22 peinber 201 KFP1 TTIJSAN \IENTFRJ RISFI. TFKNOI .O( ii. DAN P1N1)1I)1K.\N TiN((iJ REP! IBT..TK INDoNESIA NO'vIOI? 65850/A2.34I'/2017 rvILN I ERI RISE 11 1 EKNOLOUI. DAN PE.NDIL)IKAN TINU(ii T$cnimbang : a. herdaarkan Pertetapan Angka Kredit oleb Direktur Jenderal Sumber Daa Ilniu Pengetahuan. ichnologi. dun Pendidikan '1 inggi Kcrncnristekdi kti Nonior 074/1)2. 1..'K1''i'AK-Gfl,201 7 tai I Maret 2017. Sdr. Dr. 'lulus Survanto. S.F.. M.M.. Akt.CA Lekor Kepala pada Kernenterian Agama pada Fakuitas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam t niversilas Islam Ncgcri Radc-n lutan I npuug. teiah niuperoleh allgka kred it sejuni Iah $58.7() kurn: h, hahva zehuhungan dcngzui huruf a di atis. dipandang P'rlu menctapkan keputusan kenaikan jabatari akadcinikfuns.zsional doscn yang bersangkutan sehagai llrol,csor'Ouru 1csar Mengingat : Nieniperhatikan : Nieiietapkan. Petunia : I. ilng-I. iidang Noinor 5 'laliun 2014: L 1 nd:ing- I rndang Notnor 14 i'ahtin 2005: Peraturan Pcrnerintah Nomor 99 lahuri 2000 in Nornor I 2 Tahun 2002: Peraturun Pcmerintah Nomor 9 1 ahun 2003 jo Nomor 63 I'ahun 21)()): Peruturan Pre-)dLm Nomor 05 Tahun 2007: Peraturan Preskkn Nornor 13 I ahuii 201 5: Keputusan Presiden Nomor 121 'P Tahun 2014: Peraturan Nienpan dun RB Nomor 17 11hun 201 3 jo Nomor 46 iahu,i 2013: Peraturan Menteri Riset. Teknolozi. dan Pendidikan Tirugi Nornor 15 lahun 201 5: Surat usul \'Ienteri ..\aama RI Nomor B-I 82 1 'In.0()?R;Kp.07. I /09i20 16 tauggal 26 S ptembei 2016: NI F. Ni L F U S K A N lerliitung mulai tanggal I April 201 7 inengangloat Pegavai Negeri Sipil. N a iii a : Dr. I ulus Surv unto. S.F.. MJi ..Akl.C2\ NI P "Nil )i\ : 19700926200801100812026097001 Pangkat. golongaii ruang Pemhiiia Tingkat I. INTO JurnLh angka kredit : $58.70 kuin nit kerja : Kenienterian \gunnt pada Fakultas Ekonorni dan Bisnis Islam I ni'sersitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan I .anpung dalaiii iabatzin akadeinik' iungsional dosen sebagai Ptofesor/(iuru Besar datum hidallg I Irnti A kiintansi, dan kepadarna d Lberi tunjangan jabatan tuirigsionul srsuai dengan pe(amuran peruIi(1I1ig-uI1Ll:nlgu1. Keduu :Apabi Ia lerdupifi IckeI iruan dukun kcputu'amn mi. ikan diadakan perhaikan. Keputusan 1111 diberikan kepada yang, berkepentingan untuk diketalini dan dilaksanakan. Tembusan : l)iietupkan di Jakarta - Kepala BKN di .iakart.a Pada thnggal 13 .Iuni 2017 2. Kepala KPPN di Fandar I .aIllpune ' I lion nmh'r 1n.m II 1'nniahi rn Ft Ic nint Menteri Riset. IknoIogi. dan Pendidikan 1 ingg - dan Pendidikan iingi Kemcnristekdikti (selaku Ketua TO Penilai Pusat Jabat:m I ungsional - I)oseu) di .Iakarta 4, I)irjcn Permdidikan Islam Kcnientcrian :\galila di Jakarta Kepala Him Kepegaaian Sekretariat Jenderal Mohamad Nasir Kementerian Agama di .1 ukarta Rcktor I niversitas Islam Negeri Raden intan Lampung di Bandai Lampung Ikkan 1-akultas Ekonomi dan Hisnis Islam I nisersilas Islam Negeil Radeim Imitan I .ampung di Bandar I wnpumi