Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan modal kerja pada perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur di indonesia periode 2008-2012

Arifin, Agus Zainul and Elizabeth, Elizabeth (2013) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan modal kerja pada perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur di indonesia periode 2008-2012. LPPI.

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The aim of this research is test factors that influence to working capital requirements of a firm to increase in the indonesian manufacturing firms during 2008-2012. As in previous studies, the internal factors include operating cycle, operating cashflows, sales growth, retum on assets (ROA), Tobin's q, leverage, and firm size. The external factor is the real gross domestic product (GDP) growth. This research also includes an industry dummy as one of the independent variables to observe the dfferent working capital requirements behavior among the sample firms. The design of this research includes a descriptive and inferential analysis. Inferential analysis employs a multivariate regression based on the ordinary Least Square (OLS). sampling data rnethod used purposive sampling. the results indicate that operating cycle, ROA and leverage are the internal factors influencing the working capital requirements significantly. In particular, operating cycle ond ROA have a positive effect, whereas leverage has a negative effect.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: working capital requirement, operating cycle, operating cashfiows, sales growth, return on assets, Tobin' q, Ieverage, size, gross domestic product (GDP) growth
Subjects: Penelitian > Fakultas Ekonomi
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi > Akuntansi
Fakultas Ekonomi > Manajemen
Depositing User: Admin Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2017 13:00
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2017 13:00
URI: http://repository.untar.ac.id/id/eprint/1598

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