Factors Influencing Store Loyalty and Shopping Mall Loyalty: Distance As a Moderator Variable

Keni, Keni (2015) Factors Influencing Store Loyalty and Shopping Mall Loyalty: Distance As a Moderator Variable. Karya Ilmiah Dosen. pp. 624-637.

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The key purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between store loyalty and shopping mall loyalty. The study was conducted to see whether store relationship commitment, perceived value of store and store environment have a significant effect on store loyalty. This research also examined the effect of distance as a moderating variable. The population of this research was all the customers that shopped at Central Park Mall, Jakarta. The sampling frame was limited to all customers who went shopping at Carrefour Central Park, Jakarta. A non-probability convenience sampling was used for this research. The method of data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 200 respondents, categorized by short and long distances. This study showed that the shopping mall loyalty was influenced by store loyalty, and store loyalty itself was influenced by store relationship commitment. The study also revelaed that the perceived value of store has a significant positive effect on store loyalty. Furthermore, the study showed that distance has no moderating effect at all.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Penelitian > Fakultas Ekonomi
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi > Akuntansi
Fakultas Ekonomi > Manajemen
Depositing User: Puskom untar untar
Date Deposited: 10 Apr 2017 07:08
Last Modified: 10 Apr 2017 07:08
URI: http://repository.untar.ac.id/id/eprint/364

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